Large Group - State

STATE LARGE GROUP: February 8, 2025


Click on your STATE SITE to find specific information regarding that site's schedule/directions/etc. 

CHANGE FORMS can be found on each separate site's web page. 


     NORTHEAST: Decorah

     NORTHWEST: Spencer

     SOUTHEAST: Cedar Rapids Washington

     SOUTHWEST: Waukee

By direction of the IHSSA Constitution, a program was instituted in the 1999 contest season for all districts of the IHSSA. Every school that qualifies 5 or more entries for the SOUTHWEST IHSSA State Large Group contest must provide a name of a certified IHSSA judge on behalf of their school for that state contest site. If you do not provide the name of a certified judge, your school must pay a fee of $55.00 dollars to the state contest site. There will be no exceptions made to this directive. This program will only be put into effect if the state contest managers have trouble locating judges for that state contest. Then the said judge from each school will be called upon to judge at the state contest. Said judge that is called upon must then judge the whole contest day and not just a part of the state contest. If your stated judge cannot judge for your school or doesnšt show up the day of the contest your school will then have to find another certified judge or pay the state contest site the $55.00 dollar fee.

It would be ideal for each member school in the SW District to plan ahead and secure a judge who will be able to judge for your school on the February 8. This judge may be one who is already certified or one who just received certification this fall. They may also be from any part of the state. However, the time to do this is in the fall and not wait to the last moment next spring. Please call the State Office at 515-288-9741 for more information on this most important directive for the IHSSA.

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